Offer Valid: 01/01/2025 - 03/31/2025
Maintain your facility with reliable dock and door solutions - at a price you don’t want to miss!
Sectional Panel Replacement - $649 Installed
- Includes QTY 1 Panel
- 10-Year Paint Finish Limited Warranty
- Applies to 9’ 2” W x 24” H and 10’ 2” W x 24” H Door Sections Only
- Includes QTY 2 Springs
- 10,000 Cycle Limited Warranty
- Applies to Standard 9’ 2” W x 10’ 1” H and 10’ 2” x 10’ 1” H Doors Only
- Includes QTY 2 Bumpers
- 2 Year Limited Warranty
- Applies to Standard 10” W x 10” H x 4.5” P Bumpers Only
- 48" L x 27" W
- 24 Month Hydraulic PumpWarranty
- FREE DELIVERY in Dallas-FortWorth Metroplex*
This Hot Deal is promoted by Grapevine Chamber of Commerce.